Toffifee Macarons

A few weeks ago my Mom made some tasty chocolate Macarons. Those were the first selfmade Macarons, I ever ate. I simply had no idea that you can make Macarons by yourself at home. And they were so good that I had to try this recipe of Toffifee Macarons. My sister was so excited and joined my baking session.

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Pin Language: German

Level of Difficulty: Easy


The recipe was simple. We altered just one little detail. Almond flour is very expensive, so I used instead ground Almonds. That might be the reason why the macaron had little spots after baking, but they tasted really good and looked quiet nice.

Furthermore, there was more filling than we needed. But me and my Sister realised that the Toffifee-Filling tastes also really good (nutella-like very very good) on bread or pancakes!

Result: TOP



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