Potatoe Goulash

I was looking for a simple healthy recipe and because we eat way too much meat, I was looking for a meatless recipe. I saw this potatoe goulash recipe and I tried it! Look at the pictures – Doesn’t this look delicious? And you can totally eat it! But the fact is, that I missed…

Tarte Flambée

I have never eaten Tarte Flambée in my whole life. I saw the recipe in Pinterest and thought immediately that I have to give it a try. Pin Link: https://de.pinterest.com/pin/266979084140356751/ Pin Language: German Level of Difficulty: Easy Experience: I am still very suspicious towards yeast dough and indeed, there wasn’t enough liquid in the dough…

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

My family and I were invited to carve pumpkins. And it was so much fun! The three-year old son of the other family got help from his father and told his father what he wanted: Spoookey eyes, a spoookey nose , a spoookey mouth AND a spoookey mustache! I mean.. of course.. that’s actually a…

Noodles with Wild Garlic Cream Sauce

March/april is always time to pick some wild garlic… That is what I early learned from my family in law.  So I walked in the forest and harvested some wild garlic. If you also want to pick some, be aware that wild garlic can easily mixed up with the poisenous plants lily of the vally…

Mediterranean Dip

I was asked to bring chopped vegetables to a party. I decided to bring a mediterranean dip. Well, I also tried another 2 recipes (a bread and another dip) and brought them to this party, but this blog post will be just about the mediterranean dip. Pin Link: https://de.pinterest.com/pin/266979084140438341/ Pin Language: german Level of difficulty:…